Let's be honest, it feels great to have a brand new white shirt, but how long does it really last!? Our white clothes tend to lose their bright white appearance so quickly, so what do we do about it? Well, I am glad you asked ;) because I am writing to help you with keeping your whites brighter and whiter for longer!
Quick tips in keeping your white clothes WHITE!
Wash all whites together in warm water
Use a higher quality detergent such as tide as opposed to a low cost/quality detergent
Consider using an oxygen boost such as OxiClean to each load
Consider using a cup of baking soda or 1/2 cup of borax to each load
Be careful with using too much bleach as this can damage fabrics but does work well
Using steps 1- 4 should keep your whites whiter without much need for bleach so that your clothes last longer without prematurely damaging them
Comment below and let us know what your best tips are!