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Pros and Cons - Powder vs Liquid vs Pods

liquid detergent bottles

Have you ever wondered which type of detergent is best to use? Here is a quick list of the pros and cons comparing 3 different types of detergent: Powder, Liquid, and Pods.

Liquid Detergent


  1. Better for greasy and oily stains

  2. Convenient for pre-treating stains

  3. Dissolves easily at any water temperature


  1. Easier to accidentally over or under dose

  2. Packaging isn't eco friendly

Powder Detergent


  1. Best for clay and mud stains

  2. Lowest cost per load


  1. Doesn't dissolve as well in cold water

  2. Can leave residue on laundry and machine



  1. Easy to use

  2. Prevents over or underdosing

  3. Eco friendly


  1. Most expensive per load

  2. Can be a hazard for small children

Hopefully this quick pros and cons list helps you and your family better decide which product is best for you.

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