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  • Writer's picturesupermatlaundromat

How to Remove Blood Stains

Blood stains can be very difficult to remove from garments but it does not have to be if you use the right method. Read on to find out how to remove FRESH and DRIED blood from your garments.

Steps to remove FRESH blood:

  1. Rinse and soak immediately in cold water

  2. Apply hydrogen peroxide directly to the stain using a sponge

  3. Pre-treat the stain with full concentrate detergent with a soft bristle brush

  4. Wash in warm water

  5. Only dry if the stain is completely removed otherwise repeat the above steps

Steps to remove DRIED blood:

  1. Soak in cold water with Oxi Clean or something similar

  2. Pre-treat the stain with fabric-safe bleach using a soft bristle brush

  3. If the stain is not loosening then try: 1qrt water + 1tsp detergent + 1tbs ammonia and let soak for up to a couple of hours

  4. Wash in warm water

  5. Only dry if the stain is completely removed otherwise repeat the above steps

Comment below on if this works for you or if you have any other tips you use!

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